About us

Metrics and Targets

The group has established sustainability metrics (KPIs) and sustainability targets to achieve the goals in each materiality and is working to enhance corporate value in terms of both profit opportunities and risks.

[Medical service supply]

Material issues Initiatives Action plan/target (KPI) FY2023
Support for construction of sustainable medical service system
  • Support to increase patients through utilization of information
  • Make proposals to increase patients based on market research
Targets: 60 proposals
Results: 35 proposals
Targets: 70 proposals
  • Support hospital management through strategic procurement of medical devices
  • Make proposals to improve profitability for medical institutions by consolidating devices used or reducing devices close to sterilization deadlines, etc.
Targets: 110 proposals
Results: 171 proposals
Targets: 130 proposals
Higher penetration and improved accessibility of minimally invasive medical care
  • Start up and support medical workshops and research activities centered on customer facilities
  • Support to enhance medical skills of doctors
  • Set up external study groups and seminars
  • Support doctors to study abroad or to participate in academic conferences
Targets: 55 plans
Results: 82 plans
Targets: 55 plans
  • Support doctors to learn and use medical devices properly for improving technique
  • Provide latest medical information
  • Plan to start up workshops and study groups
Promotion of DX in the medical industry
  • Support for promotion of customer DX
  • Make SINZOKUN (unique medical device management system) connectable with external systems and applicable to new technology including RFID to contribute to higher operational efficiency and productivity of customers
Results: On-cloud operation of SHINZOKUN progressed Targets: Expand on-cloud operation of SHINZOKUKN

Enhance functionality of SHINZOKUN to accommodate QR code
Innovation in the medical industry
  • Create new businesses collaborating with medical venture enterprises and start-ups
  • Collect information, exchange information with external organizations and perform feasibility studies in internal section
Targets: 4 feasible studies
Results: 4 feasible studies
Targets: 6 feasible studies
Support the physician’s work style reform (New)
  • Support customers to proceed with work style reform
  • Make proposals to improve the work environment by raising operational efficiency and implementing new systems
Targets: 10 proposals

[Supply chain]

Material issues Initiatives Action plan/target (KPI) FY2023
Sustainable medical device supply system
  • Promote logistics reform
  • Concentrate logistics and improve operational efficiency as a result of separation of sales and logistics due to the start of WIN Heart Gate
Started milk run pickup from 5 suppliers and RFID-attached device delivery to 3 university hospitals Expand milk run pickup from suppliers and RFID-attached device delivery to customers, ahead of full-scale operation of WHG
  • Develop a new sales and inventory control system
Rescheduled development of a new sales and inventory control system due to policy change Continue developing
  • Secure traceability and the stable supply of medical devices utilizing RFID
Make a trial inventory count with RFID at one large-scale hospital Buildup know-how through RDIF operation toward introduction
Resilient supply chains
  • Enhance business continuity structure against system obstructions and infectious diseases
  • Update BCP factoring in a strategy for infectious diseases
Continue considering Continue considering
  • Review procedures in case of system obstructions
Continue considering Continue considering
  • Practice in line with BCP and review the plan
Once a year Once a year

[Support for employee participation]

Material issues Initiatives Action plan/target (KPI) FY2023
Human resource development to support sustainable corporate activities
  • Enhance human resource development and education programs
  • Promote increase in cardiac device representatives (CDRs)
Target: 140
Result: 129
Target: 140
  • Prepare and review working environment for promoting work style reforms
  • Promote flexible work styles
  • Utilization rate of staggered working hours and flextime
Target: 65%
Results: 68.1%
Target: 70%
  • Enhance systems for promoting employee growth including reviewing the performance assessment system
  • Enhance education system
  • Utilization rate of level-based education lessons and education tools for self-enlightenment
Target: 60%
Result: 67.4%
Target: 70%
Promotion of diversity to enable employees to demonstrate their skills and talents
  • Promote employment of female, non-Japanese, and people with disabilities
  • Increase percentage of female managers
  • Maintain 25% female employment ratio
Target: 25%
Result: 38.3%
Target: 25%
  • Percentage of promotion-to-manager recommendations for female employees:
Target: 20% (3-year average)
Result: 21% (2-years average)
Target: 20% (3-year average)
  • Promote active female employee participation with KIRARIS activities (a support team for female employees)
  • Participation of female employees in KIRARIS meetings
Target: 80%
Result: 89.5%
Target: 80%
  • Percentage of male employees taking childcare leave
Target: 45%
Result: 44.4%
Target: 50%
  • KURUMIN certification in FY2024
    (an enterprise regarded as “childcare supportive” by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
Continue promoting Retain certification
  • Platinum KURUMIN certification
    (advanced version of KURUMIN certification – New)
File an action plan
Respect for human rights
  • Enhance education on human rights
  • Thorough education on compliance and human rights
  • Percentage of employees attending lectures
Target: 100%
Result: 100%
Target: 100%


Material issues Initiatives Action plan/target (KPI) FY2023
Realization of decarbonized society
  • Promote measures for decarbonized society
  • Reduce unused and discarded medical devices
  • Reduction of entrusted inventories by central inventory control at WIN Heart Gate
  • Precise inventory control with new sales and inventory control system
Target: Reduction rate of discarded medical devices:
2% cut YoY in H1
3% cut YoY in H2
Result: 16.5% cut
Target: Reduction rate of discarded medical devices:
5% cut YoY in H1
5% cut YoY in H2
  • Promote hybrid car introduction
Target: 50%
Result: 48.2%
Target: 50%
Contribution to global environment
  • Install solar panels
Started operation at New Otsuka Building from October 2023
  • Promote paper-less
  • Electronic administrative procedures
Target: 10% cut in annual print volume
Result: 5.5% cut
Target: 10% cut in annual print volume

[Corporate base]

Material issues Initiatives Action plan/target (KPI) FY2023
Succession/continuity of business from a medium- to long-term perspective
  • Prepare succession plan
  • Formulate programs for next-generation management personnel
Development of management personnel based on the plan Continue development of next-generation management personnel
Information security
  • Implement information security measures to ensure stable operation of sales and inventory control system
  • Reinforce cyberattack countermeasures
  • Education and training through e-learning
Reinforced cyberattack countermeasures

Conducted e-learning education and training (once a year)
Conduct training for targeted-email

Conducted e-learning education and training (once a year)
Compliance system
  • Enhance internal education framework
  • Enhance internal education framework
  • Training participation rate
Target: 100%
Result: 100%
Target: 100%
Secure resilience for disasters
  • Enhance business continuity structure in the event of disasters
  • Practice in line with BCP and review the plan
  • Training using safety confirmation tools
Updated initial response manual and analyzed scenario in case of disaster

Conducted a safety check using safety confirmation tools (once a year)
Conduct training using safety confirmation tools (twice a year)

Make a BCP in case of fire